How can we help?

Maybe we've already answered your questions. If you can't find the answers that you are looking for, you can always text us at:

(866) 365-7751 or (415) 449-7796

Will my information be kept private?

How can I make sure therapy fits into my schedule?

How will I communicate with my therapists?

Who do I call in an emergency?

If I don't like my therapist, can I change my therapist?"

Do you provide short-term disability, ADHD, travel accommodation, or any other substitute forms?

Do I need insurance to book an appointment?

Do you provide FMLA or work place accommodation?

How can I be sure that Wellnite is an effective form of therapy and psychiatry care?

Do you offer text and phone support?

Do you offer sliding scale?

Do you provide surgical clearance letter?

Do you provide Emotional Support Animal letter?

Can I use my insurance?

What kind of mental health conditions does Wellnite treat?

Who are Wellnite Therapists?

How do I talk with my provider?

How often would I need to follow up with my Wellnite doctor?

How often would I need to follow up with my Therapist?

How long does it take for a treatment to work?

How do I know if I need therapy or medication for a certain illness?

If I don’t like an antidepressant I’m taking, can I stop it?"

Do you offer talk therapy?

Which medication is right for me?

What if I already have a doctor treating my mental health conditions

What if I don’t want to take any medication?

Who can benefit from Wellnite services?

Who are Wellnite Doctors?

Do you prescribe controlled substances?

What if I used to get treatment for mental health conditions and have stopped receiving it?

Can I change my treatment if it isn’t working?

Can I use my insurance?

How much does treatments normally cost?

Do you offer text and phone support?

Will my information be kept private?

Who do I call in an emergency?