Supporting a Loved One Struggling with Their Mental Health

Supporting a Loved One Struggling with Their Mental Health

There are millions of people who are struggling with their mental health. It's likely that you will or already have encountered someone dealing with a mental illness.

It may be difficult to know how you can approach them or help.  

If you are unsure of how best to approach someone who may be struggling, these tips may help:

1. The first step is to listen without any judgment.

When we listen to someone who is sharing their struggles, we tend to give advice on what we think would be the best solution. But oftentimes, what works for us may not work for them.  

Although sharing our advice or trying to fix their problem may come from a place of genuine kindness, sometimes the best way to help is to just listen.  

2. Ease into the conversation, gradually.  

It may be that the person is not in a place to talk, and that is okay.

3. Be mindful of your language.

You may want to avoid the following:  Assuming things about them or their situation. Being sarcastic or making jokes about their condition.

Like any other health problem, someone with a mental illness needs extra love and support. You may not be able to see the illness, but it doesn’t mean that you’re powerless to help.  

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