Identifying the Symptoms of Depression and What to Do About It

Identifying the Symptoms of Depression and What to Do About It

Depression affects different people in many different ways. It can be a numbness or emptiness where you don’t feel happy, sad, or angry.

Sometimes depression can feel like irritation or frustration. Small issues suddenly feel big.

Some people with depression may try to hide the signs from others, and others might not even realize that they have depression.

Symptoms of Depression:

1. Feeling hopeless, worthless, guilty, and/or sad.

These are common feelings and emotions that people going through depression experience. The intensity may feel different for each person.

2. Difficulty concentrating.

Trailing off during conversations, losing one's train of thought, and being more forgetful than usual, can indicate issues with memory and concentration. These issues are common symptoms of depression.

3. Loss of libido.

Some healthcare professionals consider changes in sex drive a key indicator for people with depression.

4. Alcohol or drug use.

Some people turn to drug or alcohol use when depressed. This helps them cope with negative emotions, such as sadness, loneliness, or hopelessness.

5. Sleep disturbances.

There is a strong connection between mood and sleep.  Someone going through depression who has a lot on their mind may find it difficult to fall asleep. Additionally, a lack of sleep can contribute to depression, and depression can make it more difficult to sleep.

6. Appetite and weight changes.

Another symptom of depression is a change in appetite. Eating too much or too little can indicate depression. Some people turn to food for comfort, while others lose their appetite or eat less due to low mood.

7. Negative self-talk, harmful or suicidal thoughts.

Many people with depression experience negative self-talk and default to harmful, critical thoughts toward themselves. Many people have never experienced depression. When someone you care about is depressed it’s our natural reaction (for most of us) to help that person by encouraging them or giving them advice. However, sometimes your intentions can come off the wrong way. While you may have the right intentions, certain phrases, words, or sentiments can exacerbate symptoms of depression rather than help.

We'll be sharing below some tips on how you can support loved ones experiencing depression.

1. Recognize when something isn't right.

2. Open up the conversation.

3. Help them find support.

4. Support them in continuing therapy

5.  Offer to help with everyday tasks

6. Help spread awareness and learn about depression yourself.

It is important to be sensitive to the feelings of one who is going through depression. One word can either help or hurt them.

While your intentions may be good, saying these things to someone experiencing depression will not help their situation. Shaming, stigmatizing, or invalidating their feelings will likely worsen their depression.

Often people who are depressed often feel misunderstood. That’s why is good to discuss mental health and be compassionate.

There are no perfect answers when it comes to supporting a friend or loved one with depression. But remember to be mindful of your words because they can either help or hurt the one you love.

If you believe that they need to talk to a professional, feel free to contact us at Wellnite. Our licensed therapists and coaches are here to help.

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, please reach out. At Wellnite, we have licensed mental health coaches and therapists that you can talk to. If you need help or just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.

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