Video Call Anxiety? Tips On How To Build Your Confidence

Video Call Anxiety? Tips On How To Build Your Confidence

Have you ever been invited to a video call and didn’t know what to do?

You freeze in a panic. Your heart palpitates faster than a speeding bullet. You start sweating profusely. You want to cry (but maybe that's just me).

Have you read my blog post, "The Fear of Public Speaking"? I get the same feeling I get when I am talking to a crowd.

For as long as I could remember I was never fond of being in front of the camera (or people). Smiling for a picture is pure awkwardness for me.

It’s even 10x more awkward when its video.

Communication & Technology

It’s no doubt that there are a lot of basic fears when it comes to video chats.

But video calls are becoming more common these days than before. People are applying to jobs online and interviewing through video calls. More people are working remotely and are attending work meetings via video conferences.

It’s even the case with the social restriction of COVID-19 where many citizens are turning to video chats to connect with friends and loved ones.

My Video Call Anxiety

For people who are shy and have social anxiety, like me, talking and being in front of a video camera can be a bit daunting. At times, even terrifying. But I found out that when I accepted more video calls I became more comfortable doing so.

Don’t get me wrong, I still get anxiety from it. But at the same time, I learned later on that I was getting much more out of a video call than a simple phone call or a text message.

With video calls, I am able to see who I am talking to, listen to the person’s tone of their voice and speech, their facial expression, and sometimes their body language. What I like most about video calls is that you can really connect with the person you are talking to with minimal distractions.

This is why at Wellnite, we highly encourage our members to accept video call appointments as part of their program as it helps build stronger relationships between the individual and their doctor or therapist.

Did You Know

A few studies have suggested that as much as 55 percent of communication comes from body language alone, another 38 percent comes through tone of voice, and seven percent of what you communicate is based on your word choice (1).

Wellnite Video Appointments

At Wellnite, we are aware that a majority of our members are intimidated by their scheduled video appointments. This is why we want to give you a few helpful tips on how to build your video call confidence.

Tips To Build Your Video Call Confidence

  1. Write down exactly why you are afraid of a video call — Most people have a fear of speaking with a stranger. It could also be a self-esteem issue or shyness (You can check out my blog post, "Is It Shyness? Or Is It Social Anxiety?"). For me, I am sometimes afraid of taking video calls because my house is a mess and I don’t want the people in my meetings to see how much of a slob I am. It's also my anxiety.
  2. Know that your video call anxiety is not just you — Many people have it. In fact, statistics have shown that the millennial generation prefers e-mail or texting as their main form of communication.
  3. Start video chats with friends and family members— This provides a more informal call but also it helps you become comfortable being in front of a camera. Facetime is a great way to start.
  4. Start dressing up for your calls — When you start making calls to anyone try to put effort into your appearance. Because when you really work on your appearance you may even find yourself feeling more confident. According to most people, confidence can go a long way. Hmmm…maybe I should try that. Next time.
  5. Record yourself speaking in front of a camera—In addition, to speaking also make eye contact with yourself. It can be a bit awkward but the more you expose yourself to awkwardness the more things get easier.

In conclusion…

The more you practice being in front of the camera the more you’ll get comfortable.

Your road to recovery is a collaborative effort between you and your doctor or therapist and it starts with you allowing yourself to get the attention you need from your health care professional.

I hope that this article helps and gives you a bit of encouragement. Remember, a lot of us have this anxiety.

Even me.

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